Upcoming publication!

13-6-2015 12:30

About a month and a half ago I decided writing a whole book would take quite a lot of time, and I should try to publish something shorter in the meantime. What I didn’t expect was that I would succeed so soon. On October 31, an anthology in memory of Terry Pratchett will be released, all proceeds going to Alzheimer’s Research UK. And one of the stories is mine!

That’s quite a long way off, but that’s because there’s still much to do. First I have until the end of June to finish the story. Then there’ll be time for reviewing and editing, after which of course the stories have to be combined into the anthology. Exciting! My story is getting somewhere, but I still have quite a lot of work to do.

The organisers keep a blog for whoever wants to stay updated. There will also be posts by some of the authors, most likely by me as well. The address: Spread over a few blog posts you’ll find the names of most authors; I am in ‘round A’. There are also some nice statistics about the submissions. There were several hundreds, of which 19 were selected!

That’s all very awesome, but what in fact is my story about? As a preview, here’s the (working) title: The Archive of Lost Memories.

More news will follow as soon as there is more to say! This project will also get an island on the front page when I have more information.

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